
Haberdashery (76-77 High Street)
Everything on this page needs verifying
Was a shop dating back to at least 18??
Closed as a shop and converted to residential in 1996-7 (?)
Ownership timeline
- Pre 1831 - David Sutcliffe(?)
- 1831 Harltey and John Murgatroyd(?)
- 1855 Joseph Sutcliffe
- 1855 John Abbot
- 1861 John Dania
- 1875 Elizabeth Dania
- (Missing documents??)
- 1878 William Fletcher
- (Missing documents??)
- 1884 Henry Greenwood
- 1887 Thomas Sutcliffe
- 1893 Henry Greenwood - listed in Kelly's Directory of the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1, 1893 as 'Draper and Grocer' <ref>Kelly's Directory of West Ridig of Yorkshire, 1, 1893</ref>
- Henery Milnes Greenwood built what became 76 High Street in 1896. -
- 1900 Thomas Sutcliffe
- 1915 Vivian Sutcliffe
- 1915 Henry Greenwood
- 1925-19?? Richard Shackelton and Walter Ingham
- 19??-1947 Richard Shackleton
- 1947-1978(?) George and Florence Lucas
- 1978-1996(?) Betty Sayle/John Sugden Sayle
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